How can I find and track a bill I’m interested in?
ALISON is the Alabama Legislative Information Session OnLine system maintained by the State to allow citizens to track bills of interest.
ALISON allows you to view exhaustive information about legislative sessions, current and past. The menu on the left of their page takes you to legislation being considered (bills) and any actions that have been taken on that legislation.
The KEY to using ALISON is to create your “Personal Instrument List”. Once you create that list, when you open it up, you can click on the name of the bill (e.g., “HB6”) and the red menu bar at the top is highlighted. From that bar, you can: (1) view the History of the bill, (2) view the Sponsors of the bill, (3) “View” the actual legislative language. The links we have provided also allow you to view the legislative language.
The History tab will alert you to how fast that particular bill is moving.
Remember that the “domino” effect often occurs with legislation being considered, especially where funding is an issue. Bills are often inter-related and end up being a bit dependent on each other.
Often there will be a House version and a Senate version of a bill.
We encourage you to check the ALISON site often to look for new bills that may be headed for discussion.