Here’s Your Opportunity, Alabama, to Engage in a National Dialogue on Education Reform
OK, Alabama, don’t say you weren’t given the chance. One of the nation’s leading forces in education reform (whether you agree or disagree with her, she is a leading force) is coming to Birmingham on Thursday, September 12 for a Teacher Town Hall. Michelle Rhee, former chancellor of Washington D.C. public schools and founder of StudentsFirst, will be in town and this is your opportunity to engage in the discussion.
RSVP quickly if you want to attend, as capacity is limited.
From the invitation: “Regardless of where you stand on the issues, join Michelle Rhee, Dr. Steve Perry, and George Parker for an open and honest conversation about what we can do to improve the quality of education for every single one of our kids.”
More from the invitation:
Date: September 12th, 2013
Location: WorkPlay Theatre
Address: 500 23rd Street, South Birmingham, AL 35233
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm; 6:00-7:30PM CDT
RSVP by visiting
Dr. Steve Perry, Founder and Principal of Capital Preparatory Magnet School, Michelle Rhee, Founder of StudentsFirst, and George Parker, Former Washington, D.C. Teachers Union President have been engaging in constructive conversations with parents, teachers, and policymakers across the country. Now these education thought leaders want to expand this critical dialogue.
Everyone knows that a great teacher can truly change the course of a child’s life.
That’s why teachers’ voices are vital to the conversation about how to improve our national education system. Teachers have the power to make a difference for every student, despite which neighborhood a kid lives in or what their parents do for a living.
Unfortunately, the dialogue around public education has become too often polarized, with extreme rhetoric and personal attacks overshadowing what’s important: getting every child into a great school with great teachers.
Regardless of where you stand on the issues, join Michelle Rhee, Dr. Steve Perry, and George Parker for an open and honest conversation about what we can do to improve the quality of education for every single one of our kids.
Most folks run either hot or cold when you mention Rhee’s name. Folks tend to either demonize her or worship her.
Why’d she choose Birmingham? Why’d she decide to do this? Who knows? But I, for one, am looking forward to engaging her in discussion.
Look for a full writeup on the Tales from the Meeting blog on September 13.
Better yet, why not RSVP and join in the discussion? Remember, there is a capacity limit at WorkPlay, so if you want a seat and a chance to engage Rhee and her guest speakers, sign up soon.