When Does School Start?
Four of Alabama’s 137 school districts started back to school this morning, with 34 more starting later this week.
91 districts start during the week of August 10, with the final eight starting the week of August 17.
When does school start in your neck of the woods?
Here’s a map. The spectrum runs from dark green (earliest start date) through the lighter shades of green, on to the lighter shades of brown, to the darkest shade of brown (latest start date).
Click on a district to learn more. Two districts are not yet mapped: Pelham City Schools starts on August 12; Pike Road City Schools, Alabama’s newest school system, starts on August 13.
Here’s the full list from al.com.
The full calendar, including all holidays, can be found on the ALSDE web site.
Madison County Schools’ first day back in class ‘great so far’ http://t.co/v6CkhfdOaG pic.twitter.com/xXWxwNpzGO
— WHNT (@whnt) August 3, 2015