More Than 90,000 Alabama Students and Nearly 15,000 Teachers Missed a LOT of School – Look Up Your School
One of eight students in Alabama’s public schools missed fifteen or more days of school in the 2013-2014 school year. (Out of 180 school days in each academic year.)
That sounds bad, but consider this: nearly one in THREE Alabama school teachers missed more than TEN days (two weeks) of school each year. Not because of professional development or other excused reasons. Just because they were absent.
The 2013-2014 school year is the latest year data is available. The state could produce newer data to consider. But they don’t.
Missing that much school is a big deal. For students AND for teachers.
No need to rehash what was said about chronic absenteeism (and the problems it causes…read this if you haven’t already).
Instead, considering today begins Attendance Awareness Month, here’s an opportunity to find out if absenteeism…among students AND teachers….is a problem in your school.